The Path to Next Level Living
Well, we are quickly approaching the end of the first quarter of 2020. Many people came into this year with excitement and enthusiasm. If you have followed my work, then you have heard me talk about the euphoric feeling that so many people experience at the beginning of a new year. Sadly, that euphoria quickly dissipates and most people return to like as usual. It takes more than excitement and resolution to change your life. It takes going all-in on your goals and being fully committed to your vision. I want to share a few insights with you about how to live at the next level.
- Count up the cost of what it will take to live at the next level. One of the things that I find fascinating is that many people have no clue about the cost of living at the next level. So many people are filled with dreams and visions of grandeur and greatness. However, what most people fail to understand is that all change in your life comes at a cost. The cost of change is giving up the comfort of your present reality. In fact, until your desire for change becomes greater than your desire for comfort you will continue to experience the same cycles of frustration, failure, and defeat. I have also discovered that the cost of inaction is never inexpensive. More importantly, inaction is a decision that will immobilize your life. All opportunity in life has a cost attached to it. When we expect success and promotion without anything being expected of us we are violating laws and we disqualify from living at the next level.
- Realize that you cannot embrace the next level without taking different actions. Years ago, I made the decision to stop living a status quo life and embrace a life of excellence. That decision set me on a course to rigorous growth, development, and evolution in my life. I discovered that success is a climb and that most people are not willing to make the climb to live at the next level. We all want the summit of success but nobody wants to make the climb to get there. The reason we do not like the climb is that it takes us out of our comfort zones. Climbing is challenging, uncomfortable and will require you to exert a high degree of energy. Everyone wants to get to the top but nobody is interested in a tedious journey to get there. In other words, you cannot get to the next level without taking different actions. If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will always live an average life. On the other hand, if you will dare to do something different then you can live at the next level. Action is the womb of ascension.
- Living at the next level will require an upgrading of your mind. As a highly respected thought leader, people around the world have been empowered and transformed by my work. My revolutionary thinking has earned me a reputation for mastery and excellence. Every major advancement in my life has required the adjustment of my paradigm. Old thoughts will never unlock new seasons in your life. We think that old-world thinking will empower us for new world living. In reality, old thinking is the greatest obstacle to your transformation. If you are serious about living at the next level and maximizing your greatest potential, then you cannot afford to neglect your mind. You will never materialize what your mind has not first conceived. This year I want you to give special care to your mind. We have all heard that the mind is a terrible thing to waste. However, I would venture out to say that the mind is a terrible thing to neglect. The neglect of your mind nullifies the maturation of your life and the manifestation of your dreams. Upgrading your mind is being intentional about what you allow to live in the garden of your mind. Whatever you allow to live in the garden of your mind will produce a harvest in your life. If you do not want it to show up in the moments of your life, then you cannot afford to allow it to take up residence in your mind. Healthy thoughts empower you to reach your highest potential.
- The next level will demand a new you. I believe that this is YOUR year and this is a pivotal moment in your life. You might feel discouraged or frustrated because you have given up on your resolutions and defaulted to life as usual. The great thing is that you have time to make adjustments and get your life back on course. The fundamental flaw I see in goal setting and vision casting is that we are result-oriented but not fully invested. In other words, we are married to outcomes but we have not married the process. You must give yourself fully to your goals and vision if you want to be successful. Stop thinking that speed is more important than strategy. While it is admirable to want to go fast, I would advise you to go with focus. If you will fully invest yourself in the process of your development, then you will inevitably see success and produce results. The problem is we want to progress without pain, advance without adversity, and reign without resistance. This sounds good in theory but it is not authentic success. You cannot embrace the next level of your life without transformation. Success is not about outcomes but personal evolution. Surrender to the process and seize the possibilities of what your life can become.