The Force of Love

4 min readJan 28, 2019

Love is a word that is thrown around so loosely today. We love our favorite pasta at the restaurant. Or we love our favorite television show. We love our smartphone or our new car. In an era where the word love has been overused, I think we are losing the essence of what love truly is. Love is not a word that we should just haphazardly use without truly understanding its meaning. Love is not about admiration but love is an action word. It goes beyond a feeling or a strong affinity. Love encompasses passion, commitment and sacrifice. I just want to share a few insights on the force of love.

  1. You must understand that love is a force. I know that many people think love is simply a feeling. However, I have learned over the years that it is a misconception to only view love as a feeling. The reason I say that is because our emotions are very deceptive. You can feel a certain way one day. Then the next day you can feel totally different. In fact, if we lived our lives based solely on our feelings we would self-destruct. Emotions will have you all over the place. Therefore, it is important that your context of love is not based on your feelings. I’ve discovered that love is a force. It transcends knowledge, feelings or reservations. The force of love will cause you to be more compassionate, caring, and more connected to the relationships in your life.
  2. Love opens up the heart space. The thing that I love about the force of love is that it breaks down walls. Personally, I spent much of my life being a very guarded person. If you know my story, then you know that betrayal and pain have filled pages in the story of my life. Therefore, I was not very trusting and suspicious of a lot of people in my life. However, once I finally healed from all those wounds, I had to be brave enough to trust again. The force of love is so powerful that it can break down walls and penetrate the hardest heart. I have some amazing people in my life. In particular, I have been blessed with an incredible family that has loved and supported me unconditionally. In addition, I have an amazing inner circle. While I am very careful who I call a friend, I have been blessed with some great friends. I have friends that I can trust, friends that love me unconditionally, and friends that bring out the best in me. These individuals loved me through some of the darkest seasons of my life. That love broke down walls, shattered barriers, and gave me the courage to love again. It does not matter how dark it may be in your life right now, I want you to know that your heart can heal and you can love and trust again.
  3. The force of love builds deep connections in your life. As many of you know, I am a highly respected thought leader recognized around the world. One of the things that has set me apart is my ability to connect with people at a deeper level. Communication is something that we all strive to be better at. However, I know that God has given me a gift as a communicator. I’ve been fortunate to be featured on television, write on some of the biggest platforms in the world, and host my own podcast that has empowered people all over the globe. Many people speak to be heard. However, very few people speak to connect. I’ve always made it my intention to speak in a way that allows me to connect with individuals at a deeper level. This intention has empowered me to be an effective communicator. More importantly, my desire to connect with people at a deep level has given me a platform to reach people in places I never imagined. Many people are simply speaking to build their highlight reels. For me, I am speaking to make deposits and contributions in the lives of others. The force of love does much more than open the heart space. The force of love establishes deep connections with people. Connections that build trust, increase credibility, and provide a safe place for people to speak from their souls. Ultimately, when you connect with people at a deeper level you add value and awaken them to their authentic voices.
  4. The force of love transforms the world. As you can see, love is a topic that I am very passionate about. The reason I am so passionate about the topic of love is because it is the greatest motivation behind everything that I do. Popularity and success are often overrated. In fact, fame and fortune are often facades for an empty soul. I am so grateful for the platform I have been given. I’ve had the pleasure of impacting the lives of so many all around the world. While some would say that my work has made a difference, I would say that my love for humanity is what has made the difference. The world does not need another speaker, author, coach or celebrity. The world needs leaders of authenticity and passion. More importantly, the world needs heart-centered leaders that challenge us all to become greater expressions of love. At the end of the day, it is not about accolades or achievements. I want to be known as a world-class human being. That means that I strive to always be authentic, demonstrate compassion, and always seek to bring out the best in people. The only thing that can transform the world is the force of love.




Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.