Tenacity: The Key to Never Quitting

4 min readApr 26, 2024


Honestly, this year has already presented me with lots of challenges and opposition. None of us are exempt from challenges. However, how we handle challenges determines the growth or the stagnation of our lives. As I have developed a bulletproof mindset, I have discovered invaluable insights for persevering and persisting until you see breakthrough in every aspect of your life. I hope that this piece will inspire you to keep going and to make the ultimate decision to never give up. At the end of the day, you will never know what is possible unless you are willing to persist.

  1. You need to feed your vision. I am sure that some of you may be a little confused by the statement I just made. So give me a moment to break this down for you. Many people set goals or write a vision for the year. Unfortunately, after January they never revisit that vision. As we move further into the second quarter, I want to challenge you to revisit your goals and your vision for the year. Take time to assess where you are in terms of the goals and objectives you have set for yourself this year. Why is this so important? Whatever you focus on you feed. The most important decision you can make daily is to feed your focus. That means you have to give your vision your undivided attention. Something is getting your attention every single day. Make sure that you are giving your attention to the things that will advance your life.
  2. You must starve distractions. Well, I just explained to you why it is important to feed your vision. However, I want to take this a step further. It is not enough to feed your vision. You must also decide to starve the distractions in your life. I’ve said this before and I will say it again distractions are the currency of a disempowered life. Every single time you entertain distractions you engineer cycles of defeat for your life. We all face the temptation to be distracted by shiny things. I define shiny things as things that are alluring but provide no real value to your life. If you are not careful, you will waste an entire day pursuing meaningless activities that do not bring you closer to the life that you desire. A life without focus will be ruled by distractions. You must be conscious about determining your priorities, investing your time, and maximizing your moments. Starve everything in your life that does not stretch you and empower you to realize your greatest potential.
  3. You must audit your habits. If you have followed my work, then you have probably heard me speak about success habits. My habits have shaped my life and defined my success. The thing that is so powerful is that you ultimately decide your habits. Did you get that? This means that nobody else decides your habits for you. Are your habits productive? Do your habits affirm the life that you desire to create? Habits determine the rhythm of your life. Now, I want to expand that idea to give you more understanding. Your habits ultimately decide your destiny. If you are feeling stuck in your life, then I challenge you to audit your habits. What are you doing daily? Are you intentional about your activities? Would you say that you are busy but not productive? Have you been investing your energy in your most important priorities? If you do not audit your habits you will ultimately bankrupt your life. Your habits determine what you concentrate on and what ultimately consumes your life. Make sure that your habits align with your vision and support the future that you intend to create.
  4. You must develop a persistent mindset. Everything I have said up to this point is important. However, if you miss this key then you will still not see the results that you want to see in your life. People are always asking me how I developed this mindset. I am known as a revolutionary thinker and I have cultivated a bulletproof mindset. However, I did not get here overnight. Breakthroughs are created in our lives by consistently pressing beyond one set of circumstances into a better set of circumstances. However, to press for more in your life you have to develop persistence. I can tell you a lot about persistence. I have faced failure, disappointment, and defeat so many times in my life. Yet I have refused to be defined by my disappointments. Instead, I have made the decision to reframe every experience that has attempted to restrict me. It has developed in me the resolve to persist until I succeed. If you want this year to be different for you, then you have to develop a persistent mindset. A persistent mindset is a mindset that simply refuses to quit. It is not hard to quit and sometimes quitting is necessary. On the other hand, when it comes to your destiny you must resolve within yourself that quitting is not an option. Allow every obstacle to become a catalyst to undeniable victory in your life. If you refuse to quit, you will embrace victory and experience life at its best. Persistence is the catalyst to total victory!




Written by JamelleSanders

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.

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