5 min readFeb 23, 2024

Shift: 4 Questions to Unlock the Next Season of Your Life

Well, in just a few weeks we will be ending the first quarter of 2024. Can you believe it? The first few months of this year have gone by incredibly fast and it has been a very busy time for me. However, I have been extremely focused and I have made a lot of progress. It’s exciting when you avoid distractions, execute your goals, and prioritize your dreams. As we prepare to end this quarter, I want to challenge you to ask yourself some thought-provoking questions. Why? From decades of experience, I can tell you that questions hold the key to unlocking the next season of your destiny. The questions you ask are the catalyst to discovery, growth, development, and evolution. I hope you will take these insights and use them as tools to transform your life in 2024 and beyond!

  1. What do you really want? As someone who has trained, developed, consulted, and advised leaders around the world, you would be amazed at the number of people I have come in contact with who cannot answer a very simple question. The question I am referring to is: what do you really want? Most people are well-versed in telling you what they do not want. However, very few people are skilled in being able to articulate what they want. What I can tell you is that the more you talk about what you do not want the more it will show up in your life. However, clarity will attract success, prosperity, and opportunities into your life. If you want 2024 to be different for you, I challenge you to get crystal clear about what you want. Clarity will empower you to take action, advance, and actualize your dreams. Clarity always creates a collision course with prophetic destiny. When you operate with clarity, you are empowered to create the change you want to see in your life.
  2. Why do you want it? It is one thing to define what you want. However, it takes another degree of skill to clarify why you want it. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am very skilled at asking why questions. Why is powerful because it reveals your true motives and intentions. Many times we are not attracting the results we want into our lives because we have wrong motives. Ultimately, we say that we want to be successful to help others and empower them. Conversely, many people are being dishonest and they are distancing themselves further away from the life that they want. At the end of the day, success that is rooted in selfish ambition and self-preservation will always be short-lived. Over the years, I have seen many leaders rise and fall. I have walked leaders through times of crisis and ethical dilemmas. What I have learned is that if the motive for success is wrong then the foundation for success is faulty. At the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with having audacious goals and grand dreams. However, when we want those goals so badly that we are willing to compromise our integrity, lower our standards, and manipulate and deceive to get what we want, then we know that we have crossed a moral line. If you can answer the question of why you want success, then you have identified your core values and principles. When you want success for the right reasons, your core values and principles will anchor you and guide you.
  3. How will you get it? After you have taken the time to get clear about the why, then you need to figure out how you are going to get to your goal. This is what I call the strategic phase. As a highly respected thought leader, I am known around the world as a master strategist. I know the power of strategy in my own life and I have helped people around the world develop their success strategies as well. A strategy is a clearly defined plan that can be articulated, implemented, and executed. A strategy is not vague or ambiguous. Strategy is the action steps that move you from hope to manifestation. Many people have goals and set resolutions for the year. However, very few people achieve their goals and accomplish their resolutions. How will you produce results in 2024? You will produce results only when you take the time to develop a clear strategy. I think it is important to note that hope and ambition are not strategies. Positive thinking and positive affirmations are not strategies. Your strategy should be well thought out and clearly defined. Strategy is the engine that drives your success. When you answer the question of how you are empowered to make progress and to produce extraordinary results. The clearer your strategy the more certain your chances of success.
  4. When will you commit to the thing that you say you want? I’ve shared some powerful questions with you in this piece. However, this question is the one that will fuel your success or failure in 2024 and beyond. From experience, I can tell you that the cycles of your life are being constructed by your commitments. I also know that we are all committed to something. Some people are committed to being average. Others are committed to making excuses. On the other hand, very few people are committed to progress. Your life rises and falls on commitment. What commitment do you need to make to achieve your dreams in 2024? If you do not commit, you will never create the change you want to see in your life. The failure to commit is the failure to honor the seed of your potential. Make 2024 the greatest year of your life by committing to become the greatest version of yourself. At the end of the day, your greatest life is always on the other side of a commitment that you alone can make. You owe it to yourself to make the commitments that will shift the course of your life forever!


Written by JamelleSanders

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.

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