Seasons: Recognizing the Value of Moments in Your Life

5 min readMay 26, 2023


Well, we are heading into the final days of spring and the first days of summer. I am really excited about the summer, traveling and enjoying some much needed downtime. Before we enjoy all the fun that summer has to offer, we need to take time to assess where we are in regard to our goals. In four weeks, we will be ending the second quarter of 2023 and going into the third quarter. This means that we are hitting the halfway mark in 2023. Where are you in regard to your goals? What changes do you need to make? I know that every season has significance. More importantly, the victories we experience in our lives is determined by the value we place on seasons. I just want to share some insights with you to empower you to recognize the value of the various seasons of your life.

  1. You cannot benefit from a season that your blind to. Earlier in my life, I was totally oblivious to the value of seasons. I did not have the wisdom that I have now nor did I have the insights. However, as I have grown and developed, I discovered that every season of our lives is pregnant with wisdom and insights. Our ability to recognize the wisdom of a season will determine the success or failure of our lives. With that said, most people spend their entire lives blind to the possibilities of what could be. They suffer from possibility blindness and it precludes them from ever becoming who they were born to be. It is impossible to benefit from a season that you are blind to. In other words, you cannot extract value from any season without vision. As we head into summer, I want you to have fun but also remain focused. Do not allow activities to get in the way of your assignment. Do not fill your days with things that distance you from your future. It is important that you keep your vision before you and allow your vision to shape the direction of your life. You cannot afford to go through life blind to the beauty of moments and the significance of seasons. When we have clarity, we are empowered to create winning cycles of success and prosperity.
  2. You cannot benefit from a season oblivious to your blind spots. Vision is a critical first step to creating a life of success. However, it is not enough for you to simply have vision. In order to protect your focus, you must have the ability to identify your blind spots. Your blind spots are areas of weakness or deficiency that have the potential to derail your destiny. In other words, blind spots are patterns of thinking, systems of belief and destructive behaviors that have the ability to sabotage your success. After you have identified, your blind spots you must put measures in place to protect your blind spots. How do you protect your blind spots? You protect your blind spots by establishing strong accountability mechanisms in your life. This will be an extremely busy summer for me. As a result, I know that I must have clear vision, clear intentions and clear strategies in order to be successful. Accountability has been vital to my success. Accountability keeps me honest, forces me to take responsibility for my actions and provides protection for me as I continue to pursue the life of my dreams. If you do not have accountability in your life, you are unprotected and that is a dangerous place to be as a leader. We are not always aware of all of our blind spots. However, when you have accountability in your life you have people that can detect things that would otherwise destroy you. Accountability is for our protection and preservation.
  3. You cannot benefit from a season with a faulty belief system. Everything that I have shared with you so far is important. However, nothing will bankrupt your success faster than a faulty belief system. Your belief system houses your thought patterns, thought processes, ideologies, philosophies and psychological constructs. In essence, your belief system houses your decision making framework. While we often say that the mind is a powerful tool, not many people really understand the true power of the mind. Why do I say that? Too often we allow things to take residence in our minds with no resistance. In other words, we accept thoughts without ever taking the time to examine them. This is dangerous and a root cause of why so many people live a defeated life. If your belief system is faulty, then you will engineer cycles of frustration, failure and defeat. A faulty belief system can only be addressed through the transformation of the mind. Essentially, you will have to take the time to examine your thoughts and explore how they have shaped your life. You must get to the root of your thinking in order to reverse cycles in your life. Your mind is either a trap or a tool. Your mind cannot become a tool until it is transformed.
  4. You cannot benefit from a season without building capacity. As a highly respected thought leader, my life and work has impacted people all around the world. The challenge with success is that everyone sees you in the manifestation stage but nobody sees you in the developmental stage. As a result, people make assumptions about your journey and speculate about your success. This is why I have decided to operate with truth and authenticity in everything that I do. I have opened my life up for the world and shared honestly about my success, failures and all the challenges I have faced on my journey to success. While many people assume that success is automatic, what they fail to see is the countless years of silence, frustration, failure and disappointment that all shape you for success. Many people benefit from my wisdom today but they are blind to the wars that I have had to fight to be who I am today. I’ve stepped into the greatest season of my life and it is rewarding. How did I get here? I am in the greatest season of my life because I have built my capacity for greatness. Everything that you see me doing today is because of my commitment to growth and development. If you want to have world influence and global impact, then I want you to know that there are no shortcuts to success and no hacks for reaching your highest potential. Your value to the world will be determined by your commitment to development. You do not build capacity on the mountain. You build capacity in the valley seasons of your life. Capacity is built through your consistency and commitment to refine your gift, hone your skills and gain mastery in your field. Capacity is built as you prioritize being both efficient and exceptional.




Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.