Passion: A Missing Link in the Success Equation
First of all, it is amazing how quickly time is moving. We are entering the month of February already. Unfortunately, many people have already given up on their resolutions, abandoned their goals, and reverted back to the same bad habits. I do not want that to be the case for you. So I wanted to write a piece that was focused on the importance of passion and its role in your success and prosperity. I hope these insights will ignite a fire in you to not settle and to pursue excellence in every area of your life in 2023. This can be your greatest year but you must have the courage to create it!
- You need to set clear goals for the year. While some people do not believe that they need to set goals, the reality is that you will get much further in life with a plan than you ever will without one. So take some time to write down three to five key goals that you want to accomplish in 2023. If you are not sure where to begin, I would challenge you to set a personal, professional, financial, health, and spiritual goal. What I know to be true is that what you document is what ultimately gets done. Also, the law of documentation is powerful because what you are willing to pen to paper you are empowered to make a reality in your life. Get your goals out of your head and get them down on paper. Writing down your goals gives you focus. Whatever has your attention determines your advancement. Concentration is the catalyst for creation. So taking the time to clarify your goals is a powerful principle that will set success in motion for you.
- You need to be committed to your goals. While it is great to take the time to clarify your goals, you must take it a step further and commit to your goals. From personal experience, I know that commitment is the doorway to change in your life. Furthermore, the difference in seasons is the commitments that you are willing to make. You do not get in life what you dream of or even what you hope for. You get in life what you are willing to commit to. 2023 will be like every other year in your life unless you make different commitments. The cycles of your life are being constructed by your commitments. The reality is that we are all committed to something. Some people are committed to being average. Others are committed to being excellent. It is important for you to understand that the course of your life is being shaped by your commitments. What are you going to commit to in 2023? Will you commit to your goals? Will you commit to making development a daily part of your life? Your commitments will determine your priorities, your progress, and your prosperity. Ultimately, your capacity will never be developed without commitment. Commitment is the bridge between what you have become comfortable with and the possibilities of what your life can become. Your commitments shape your destiny.
- You must become a person of action. Everything that I have shared with you is important. However, you will never actualize your goals without action. I’ve said many times that action is the bridge between hope and manifestation. Moreover, action is the distance between your limits and your potential. In other words, action is the force that drives achievement in your life. It does not matter how big your goals are or how grand your vision is. If you do not become a person of action, you will abort your purpose and forfeit your potential. Action is the ability to press beyond difficulty, disappointment, and defeat. Action is having the resolve to persevere in the midst of resistance. Action is having the stamina to stand when everything around you is being shaken. Action is not deterred by obstacles. Action is determined to seize opportunities. The key to your success in 2023 is becoming a person of action. The expansion of your life is the result of the actions you are willing to take.
- You must live with a renewed passion. As a highly respected thought leader, I have had the distinct privilege of training, developing, and empowering leaders around the world to fulfill purpose and maximize their greatest potential. Over the years, I have had so many people ask me about the key to my success and longevity. While it is hard to single out one particular thing that has contributed to my success, I know for sure that passion has empowered me to continually unlock my greatest potential. The problem is that most people have reduced passion to simply being an emotion. For me, passion is much more than an emotion. Passion is a consuming fire that consistently fuels my progress and shapes my results. Passion is the ability to dig deep in some of the darkest and most disappointing moments of your life. Passion is the ability to remain motivated and inspired when others choose to embrace the status quo. Passion is an internal force that refuses to settle for mediocrity. Passion is a fire that ignites uncommon focus and unrelenting devotion in the heart of a person. Essentially, passion is an uncontrollable drive that results in uncommon success. Passion is a relentless mental attitude that refuses to stop short of a breakthrough. Passion is how you expand your capacity for greatness and honor your potential. The difference between dreamers and those that live their dreams is passion. Passion is not an emotion. Passion is a force. When you cultivate the force of passion, you live a life that is unstoppable and produces results that are undeniable. The missing link in your success equation is passion. Passion is greater than discipline. Discipline builds within you endurance. Passion builds in you an indestructible spirit.