Move: How to Get Out of Your Own Way

5 min readFeb 24, 2023


Well, in just a few short weeks we will be ending the first quarter of 2023. Can you believe it? We are literally about to wrap up the first three months of 2023. The first quarter has been an amazing time of personal, professional and spiritual growth in my life. I am laser focused, executing my goals and dedicated to my vision. One of the most powerful truths that I learned years ago is that you create your own success. More importantly, I discovered that you will never succeed until you are first willing to get out of your own way. I want to share some insights with you that will help you to get out of your own way and make this the greatest year of your life!

  1. Get crystal clear about what you want. First of all, before I share deeper insights with you I feel that it is important to share this fundamental truth with you. If you do not know what you want, then you will continue to attract what you do not want into your life. Years ago, when I started my business I hit a barrier and I found myself frustrated. I felt stuck and it just seemed like the business was not growing. As I looked deeper, I realized that I had no clarity about what I really wanted. Therefore, the lack of clarity was attracting into my life the very things that I did not want. So I took some time to get clarity about what I wanted. As I became clear about what I wanted, the resources and relationships that I needed to make my vision happen started to manifest. Clarity will empower you to set clear goals, define your expectations, devise a strategy and develop the tactics that will set you up for success. Ambiguity is an enemy of achievement. Furthermore, the lack of clarity is a major barrier to change. If you want 2023 to be different for you, then you need to take the time to get clear about what you want. Most people are masters at communicating what they do not want. On the other hand, most people are clueless when it comes to communicating what they do want. Clarity is what ultimately empowers us to realize our dreams.
  2. Master your self-talk. Just a few days ago, I did a live about overcoming self-doubts. I talked about how in my own life I have had to overcome self-doubt so many times on my journey to success. Ultimately, no one is exempt from self-doubt. We all experience it but very few people ever master it. One thing I want you to understand is that often we are trying to change the external without first changing the internal. In other words, it is not your circumstances that are ultimately controlling your life. It is your internal narrative that is shaping your destiny and your future. In my own life, I realized that it was the things that I was saying to myself that were wounding my spirit, damaging my soul and hijacking my future. As a result, I had to become skilled with my words so that I could ultimately shift my world. While some people are skeptical about what I am sharing, the reality is that nobody is going to give your life the kind of care and attention that you will. Therefore, if you speak to yourself in condescending or disparaging language, then you cannot expect others to speak to you in positive and affirming language. You must care enough about yourself to command your words and control the narrative that you are scripting for your own life. Remember that abortive words will never produce a victorious life.
  3. You must be willing to confront fear in your life. As someone that has trained and developed leaders around the world, I know that many leaders are great at wearing facades but terrible at winning the war on fear. Personally, fear was one of the greatest barriers to my success. Every single time I would attempt to move forward with my life, fear would show up and knock me three steps back. One day, I finally realized that I was repeating a cycle and I needed to break it. Therefore, I made a decision that fear was no longer going to be a factor for me. In other words, I decided that I would no longer allow trepidation to threaten my transformation. Also, I decided that I would not allow inaction to rob me of the impact that I have been called to make. Most of all, I decided that instead of running from the fear I was going to lean into the fear. In fact, I decided that even if my voice shook and my knees buckled I was going to do it anyway. What happened? I confronted the fear and I collided with my future. I realized that it was not nearly as scary as the story that I had been telling myself for so long. If you will have the courage to face your fears, you will propel breakthroughs in your world. Fear is a form of currency. If you keep negotiating with fear, you will ultimately abort your future and forfeit your potential.
  4. You have to get out of your own way. Have you ever felt stuck? Honestly, I have had some moments in my life where I felt stuck. Let me define what I mean by stuck. To be stuck is to feel restricted, limited or prevented in some way. Or perhaps you know there is more for your life but you keep feeling immobilized. Anytime I start to feel stuck I know that something is blocking my vision and stifling my progress. From years of personal experience, I have learned that this is often an indication that I am getting in my own way. How do you get out of your own way? You have to detach from your circumstances so you can attract solutions into your world. In other words, you have to confront the self-limiting beliefs and perceptions that are threatening your growth and undermining your potential. You get out of your own way by giving up control so you can see progress in your life. Essentially, getting out of your own way is addressing what you have been avoiding. We get in our own way by overthinking and overanalyzing. The reality is that you cannot control everything. Control what is controllable and release everything that is uncontrollable. In fact, I often say control the constants and adjust for the variables. Your capacity to embrace uncertainty is what will ultimately unlock new possibilities for your life. Your willingness to let go is what will ultimately open the way, light the path and lead you into change. To get out of your own way you must stop being your own worst enemy. You get out of your own way by eliminating all the barriers to growth and change in your life.




Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.