Motivation Is Not Enough: Committing to a Life of Success
As I look around the world today, I see so many people that are addicted to motivation and inspiration. While I am not implying that it is wrong to seek inspiration and motivation, I am saying that it is wrong to crave motivation and inspiration. As someone that has empowered people around the world to fulfill purpose and maximize potential, I know that it takes much more than inspiration and motivation to create a life of success. Often times when I make this statement I get mixed emotions and blank stares. I do not think that most people can understand that it is impossible to live your life on inspiration and motivation. You have to be willing to commit to success and this is the missing link for so many people. I want to share a few insights with you on how to move from a life of inspiration and motivation to a life of purpose and progress.
- Stop living your life addicted to inspiration and motivation. I have become a bit annoyed with social media these days. People spend countless hours scrolling feeds and living their lives vicariously through other people. Personally, I do not have time for it and I see it as a waste of precious moments. You should be using your time to fulfill your purpose and maximize your greatest potential. Everyone is liking and posting motivational quotes. However, very few people ever move from inspiration and motivation to taking action and manifesting their goals. I want to challenge you in 2020 to stop living your life addicted to inspiration and motivation. You can read a million quotes and listen to a thousand podcasts. However, if you never take action you will always live a mediocre and average life. This is the year to get clear about your priorities, make progress on your goals and execute your vision.
- Make the decision to become a person of intention. As a leading empowerment specialist and respected thought leader, I am not saying that it is wrong to seek inspiration and motivation. On the other hand, I know that nothing shifted in my life until I moved from inspiration to intention. In fact, I often say that the law of intention guides my life and shapes everything that I do. Anyone that has worked with me will tell you that I do not begin any project without establishing a clear intention. The reason intention is more powerful than inspiration is because it provides thrust to your vision, dreams, and goals. In other words, you do not accomplish what you are inspired to do. You only accomplish what you intend to do. Intention is the force that empowers the fulfillment of your dreams. When I started living intentionally, I started realizing my dreams, crushing my goals and I embraced success at a brand-new level. Intention establishes your focus, directs your energy and empowers your results.
- Stop using inspiration and motivation as a substitute for growth. I have earned a reputation around the world for excellence and mastery in my field. Many people reach out to me for counsel and advice. One thing that I always find intriguing is that most people want you to tell them something good. However, most people are not really interested in growth and development. I have written eight books, written for some of the largest platforms in the world, been featured on television and won numerous awards for excellence in business and leadership. I did not accomplish any of this because of inspiration and motivation. I have become a person of excellence because I have made growth and development essentials parts of my life. I have read, studied, researched, investigated, invested and expanded my capacity to be the best in the world at what I do. In other words, you have to stop using inspiration and motivation as a substitute for growth in your life. I challenge you today to create a growth plan for your life. If you are not learning and growing consistently, you will never be empowered to reach your greatest potential. An uncommon life is born out of uncommon disciplines.
- You must commit to success every single day of your life. I sound deep and profound now. However, when I was doing the work it was not always fun or exciting. At the same time, I understood that I could not create a world-class life unless I was willing to commit to success every single day of my life. Essentially, that means that I had to be invested even when I was tired, I have to put in the work even when no one was watching, I had to be relentless when I was ridiculed, I had to be motivated even when others mocked me, and I had to be willing to stretch even when skeptics and cynics tried to stop me. Most people do not understand that success is not a magic formula or secret recipe. Success is a daily commitment to live above the status quo, defy odds and pursue excellence. Success is refusing to make excuses and expanding your capacity to create a life of greatness. You can choose the easy path but it will never result in excellence. You can choose mediocrity but it will never create mastery in your life. Success is not a desire but a discipline that you must develop in your life. Commitment moves beyond emotion and euphoria. Commitment is a non-negotiable decision to show up in every moment and bring your best to every single day of your life. You will never create success until you are first willing to commit to success.