Live Big: The Relentless Pursuit of More

4 min readMay 24, 2024


Well, we are just a few weeks away from the start of summer. Moreover, we are only a few weeks from ending the second quarter of 2024. Can you believe it? At the moment, I am preparing for the holiday weekend, finalizing my schedule for June, and gearing up for an exhilarating and busy summer. The last three months have brought challenges and growth in so many areas of my life. Ultimately, I have been challenged to play a bigger game and to relentlessly pursue more in every aspect of my life. I have not met a person yet who does not desire more for their life. However, most people have no clue how to manifest more in their lives. I want to share some insights with you that will empower you to press and pursue more for your life in this season and beyond!

  1. You have to get clarity about what more means to you. Unfortunately, we often realize that we want more for our lives but we do not know what to do about it. First of all, I would encourage you to get clear about what more means to you. Do you want more time? Or are you looking for more opportunities? What about more meaningful relationships? Would you like more money? You can see my point that more can be all-encompassing and this is why you will need clarity. In this season of my life, more for me is doing more of the things I love with the people I love. This is a season where the freedom to live life on my own terms is taking on a deeper meaning to me. As long as you lack clarity around what more means to you, then you will continue to attract more of what you do not want in your life. I would caution you against seeing more as the opportunity to fill your life with more things. Instead, I want you to see more as the opportunity to enrich your life with more meaningful things.
  2. You have to make room for more in your life. Over the last few months, I have found myself stretched in ways that I have never been stretched before. In particular, I have been forced to address self-limiting beliefs and perceptions. I have had to do a lot of inner work and address the psychological constructs that have blocked me from believing that I was worthy of certain things in my life. While I would like to tell you that it has been a beautiful process, I will be honest and tell you that it has been a very uncomfortable process. I have been forced to not only confront self-limiting beliefs but also to adjust my paradigm to embrace new possibilities for my life. In essence, we say that we want more for our lives but we often do not have room for more in our lives. As long as we continue to hold on to the thoughts, perceptions, ideologies, and constructs that no longer serve us, we will prevent more from manifesting in our lives. In order to make room for more in our lives, there are certain things that must be removed from our lives. What we are unwilling to let go of will always limit growth in our lives. This is ultimately about addressing psychological barriers that prevent breakthroughs in our lives.
  3. You must decide to live a bigger life. Over the last few months, I have had several moments where I felt incredibly frustrated and uncomfortable. I knew I was being called to more in my life. However, I was searching for a strategy that would empower me to embrace more. What I have discovered is that you cannot create a bigger life without first choosing a bigger life. Too often we are consumed with the details when we have never truly made the choice. You do not simply making a choice in the mind. No, you have not truly made a decision until you direct the will in a particular direction. In addition, it is important to note that living a bigger life will require you to become more. In other words, the bigness of your life will never exceed your commitment to growth and development. In short, the expansion of your life will require personal evolution. Who are you willing to become in order to live a bigger life? Your decision to live a bigger life will draw into your life everything you need to become who you were born to be.
  4. You must pursue more for your life. To live your greatest life you must be willing to pursue a reality that is greater than your current circumstances or current conditions. In other words, the progression and expansion of your life is something that must be prioritized and pursued. Many people talk about more, dream about more, and even hope for more in their lives. However, very few people are courageous enough to pursue more for their lives. Why is that? To pursue more for your life will require you to step outside of your comfort zone and live in a constant pursuit of growth and change. The pursuit of more will require you to silence your doubts, face your fears, and commit to your dreams. To pursue more for your life you must develop an inner picture of what is possible for your life. This inner picture must become so big in you that there is no room for doubt and unbelief. The picture of your future must become louder than the prison of your failures. Pursuit will require strategy, stamina, and staying power. Most of all, pursuit will require the elimination of all excuses and consistent execution in the direction of your desired outcome.




Written by JamelleSanders

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.

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