5 min readAug 28, 2020

Embracing a Higher Life: Strategies for Thriving At the Next Level

As we head into the end of the third quarter, I hope that you will take a moment to reflect. I know that 2020 has been anything but usual. However, I believe that you can still focus, make progress, and achieve your goals. In just a few short weeks we will be entering the last quarter of 2020. I know that you may not be a fan of quarantine and that this has been a trying time. On the other hand, I want you to ask yourself some tough questions. Have I used this time wisely? How productive have I been? What have I learned about myself? How have I grown as a person? I want to share a few insights with you about how to embrace life at the next level. I hope these insights will resonate with you and empower you to reach new realms of success.

  1. You must understand that the actions you take daily determine your ascension. Many people live in the world of aspiration. However, I live my life in a world of action. I know that action defines my acceleration and my ascension. You can aspire to have a great life or you can take action to create a great life. The reality is that inaction is the seed for regret. When we delay doing what we have the power to do we create a life of disappointment and defeat. Make a decision that you are going to take daily action in the direction of your dreams. In reality, we are always taking action on something. Your actions will either empower your success or endanger your future. Success does not happen in a day. Rather success is the culmination of the decisions we make daily. Are your actions accommodating the accomplishment of your goals? If you want to embrace new dimensions then you must remain committed to taking daily action. Spontaneous action will cause success to be aborted in your life. Daily intentional action will produce a world-class life.
  2. All ascension demands accountability in your life. If you have followed my work, then you know that accountability is very important to me. I believe that accountability safeguards your leadership and sustains your success. One of the dangers I see in leadership today is a lack of accountability and responsibility. So many people reach out to me from around the world. They want to know how to get to the next level, fulfill purpose, and reach their greatest potential. When I ask them about who they are accountable to, I start to get this strange looks and I let them know that this is one of the reasons that they are not experiencing next-level success. It is very hard to succeed alone. On the other hand, when you enlist the help of great mentors and advisors, you accelerate your success and live your dreams. Establish strong accountability in your life. Do not just set goals for yourself. Share these goals with mentors and advisors that will hold you accountable. Check-in regularly with your accountability partner and be honest about your progress. You will be amazed at how this aids in your success and keeps you focused on your goals. Accountability is a game-changer and a catalyst for growth and development in your life.
  3. Know the importance of establishing the right priorities. Over the last six months, our lives have been interrupted and we have found ourselves struggling to adapt to this quarantine life. Many people have spent this time binge-watching their favorite shows on Netflix and scrolling social media for hours. Others have taken online courses, worked on new projects, learned new skills, and accomplished goals that they never had the time to do before. What am I saying? For years many people have said that they do not have the time to accomplish their goals. What we have discovered over the last six months is that time was never the issue. The reason most people never accomplish their goals is that they have never been a priority in their lives. Your priorities determine your progress. More importantly, your priorities determine the prosperity of your life. You will never reach your greatest potential without establishing clear priorities in your life. 2020 has gifted us all with an abundance of time. In the last six months, a lot of people have been exposed. They have been exposed for their lies and excuses. They are not really invested in success or the accomplishment of their goals. We have discovered that many people never thrive because they have never lived with clear priorities. At the end of the day, our lives are not the product of our hopes and aspirations. Our lives are the product of what we define as our priorities.
  4. Honor the valuable gift of time. Those that are close to me will tell you that I know the value of time. In fact, they will probably tell you that I am a masterful steward of my time. I do not allow people to waste my time and I am very selective about who I give my time to. I am a very disciplined person and a very focused person. It is one of the reasons I have been successful. More importantly, it is the reason I have earned the reputation of a highly respected thought leader. Time is one of the greatest assets that we have. Unfortunately, I see far too many people that waste the gift of time. Many are deceived into believing that they have all the time in the world. However, what they fail to understand is that time is an investment. Investments require focus, energy, and strategy to be successful. How are you using your time? The measure of a man's life is reflected in how he uses his moments. I choose to use my moments to fulfill purpose and maximize my greatest potential. I choose to use my moments to empower people around the world to awaken to the greatness within them. I choose to use my time to write books, give keynotes, develop leaders, and solve world problems. How are you using your time? Use your time for things that will yield a return in your life. Do not invest in things that will only produce regret for you. Make sure that you are filling your moments with things that matter. Your greatest life begins with the courage to perceive the significance of life and to seize every moment.


Written by JamelleSanders

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.

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