Elevate: Going to the Next Level in Life

5 min readJan 30, 2025


As I write to you, I am fresh off of a vacation and feeling refreshed and more focused than ever on my vision and goals for 2025. Did you notice how fast the first month of 2025 went by? Unfortunately, most people start the year with excitement and adrenaline but lack the consistency and discipline to achieve their goals and live their dreams. If 2025 will be different for you, then know it will not be because of your good intentions or emotional state. The only way that 2025 will be different for you is if you are committed to becoming a better version of yourself and establishing the habits that will empower you to improve your life. This can be the year that you live at the next level and you live beyond limits!

  1. You will never elevate your life by making excuses. I define excuses as the monuments that we build to mediocre living. I come in contact with people all the time who say they want to change their lives. However, when it comes to taking action, I find that these individuals are in love with the idea of change. However, they are unwilling to make the investments that will ultimately change their lives. If you keep making excuses, then you will continue to live enslaved to the same cycles of frustration, failure, and defeat. Your excuses may facilitate your comfort but they also lead to you forfeiting change in your life. Stop making excuses for why you are where you are in life. Acknowledge that your excuses are what have ultimately endangered your dreams. Excuses are often our fears that cripple us and rob us of the power to move forward with our lives.
  2. You must master your emotions if you want to elevate your life. Many people look at my life and they marvel at my success. I have even had people tell me that I am not human and that I have unrealistic expectations. The thing that I find so fascinating about these statements is that they often come from people who are doing absolutely nothing but expecting their lives to be different. In reality, I have faced the same challenges, hardships, and disappointments that everyone else has faced. The only difference is that I made a non-negotiable decision not to be defined by any circumstance, crisis, or contradiction that has occurred in my life. Instead, I have chosen to use every circumstance, crisis, and contradiction as a defining moment to rise to the occasion and own my greatness. You have to understand that I am not moved by what I see, what I hear, or how I feel. I am only moved by what I believe. I believe in the power of possibilities and that I am unbreakable. My emotions do not dictate how I live my life. I’ve mastered my emotions and my life has become a model of excellence for people all around the world. Make this the year that you stop being emotional and instead you start being intentional about living the life you’ve been born for.
  3. You cannot elevate your life without expanding your thinking. As a highly respected thought leader, I know the power of the mind and I have been sharing these principles with people all over the world for years. What many people fail to understand is that I was not always the person that I am today. If you have followed my work, then you know that I had to overcome so many self-limiting beliefs and perceptions. I had to address toxic thoughts and ways of thinking that did not align with who I was born to be. Many people get excited about elevating their lives but they never expand their minds. Yesterday's thinking will never produce tomorrow's solutions. You cannot live in your past and live in what is possible for your life at the same time. So many people are acquiescing to situations and circumstances and living adjusted to an old paradigm. I don’t have time to look back at the past because I am too busy liberating my paradigm to embrace all the limitless possibilities for my life. It is only through expanding the mind that we can embrace more for our lives. Positive affirmations are good but they are not a substitute for a paradigm shift. No moment will ever produce what your mind has not expanded to embrace.
  4. You must be willing to exert the energy to go higher. I wish you knew how many people seek me out for mentorship or to serve as an advisor. Then I have the other group that constantly contacts me about picking my brain. While I am always flattered that people respect my life and work, I am also annoyed that so many people think that by spending a few moments with me they can become me. In reality, you cannot have what is on my life unless you are willing to pay the price that I have paid to get it. You see me today but most people have no idea. They like what my life has produced but they shun the process that has produced it. Nobody is interested in my failures. Nor do they want to hear about how my business almost collapsed three times. They walk away when I start to talk about the betrayal and everything that I have had to go through to become who I am today. Most of all, they never asked about all the work that I had to do behind the scenes for years in silence. The reason that I have become a symbol of excellence is because I have been willing to exert the energy and make the climb. No, I am not telling you that it has been easy or that I have always wanted to do it. However, I am saying that elevating my life required me to exert the energy to go higher. When people rejected me I kept reaching for more in life. When people mocked me I stayed devoted to mastery. More importantly, when people forsook me I developed the fortitude to keep making the climb so that I could reach the summit. You cannot embrace what you are unwilling to reach for.




Written by JamelleSanders

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.

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