Determination: Daring to Pursue Your Greatest Life

4 min readMar 29, 2024


Well, we are officially about to begin the second quarter of 2024. Can you believe it? The first three months of the year went by super fast. I hope that you have been able to focus, move forward with your goals, and see your plans flourish. The first three months of this year have brought challenges, growth, and transformation in so many aspects of my life. Honestly, I have felt myself pushed beyond limits as I have courageously pursued my greatest life. I hope these insights will empower you to be relentless in your pursuit of the life that you were born for!

  1. You have to become dissatisfied with the status quo. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am someone who does not believe in accepting mediocrity. While I am known as a high achiever, I found myself challenged to pursue more in the first three months of this year. While I had to take time to get clear about what they would require, I knew that I felt a deep sense of dissatisfaction. It was as if the next level was calling me and I would not be satisfied with anything less. One of the things that I learned during that time was that dissatisfaction is a master key to unlocking the next dimension of your life. However, I discovered that dissatisfaction is the only thing that will cause us to divest from the things that prevent our lives from advancing. As long as you are content nothing about your life will change. On the other hand, when you become dissatisfied that becomes the seed for transformation. If you want more for your life, you will have to become frustrated with mediocrity and average. When a higher life is calling you must have the courage to answer it.
  2. You have to be willing to eliminate the distractions in your life. As a highly respected thought leader and change agent, I have empowered people around the world to cultivate their gifts, bring meaningful change to the world, and realize their potential. In this quest, I have had to assess and adjust my life so many times. Most people have called me weird, extreme, and obsessive. However, the one thing that they cannot deny is the results that I have been able to produce. How have I produced these results? I know the power of eliminating distractions. While many things have competed for my time and attention over the years, I have learned the importance of having clear priorities and strategic focus. Distractions will always seem appealing. However, the cost of entertaining distractions can be detrimental to your potential. You have to know how to prioritize your life, define your focus, and be intentional about where you invest your time and energy. Distractions have a way of making the unimportant seem urgent. Your ability to discern between the urgent and the unnecessary will play a huge role in your success or failure.
  3. You have to require more from yourself. While some people will disagree with me, the reality is that many of these people are not achieving their goals or living their dreams. You should only take advice from people who are living a reality that you desire to emulate. This year has been amazing for me so far. At the same time, this year has been busy and chaotic in many ways. In the midst of all this, I still found myself challenged to be more and do more. One of the things I firmly believe is that if you require more then you will produce more for your life. I’ve been challenged to set even bigger goals with audacious timeframes. These goals are challenging me in every way possible and forcing me out of my comfort zone. It has not been easy but it has been transformational. I think we often hide out in what is easy because it is safe. Conversely, I always say that playing it safe will never produce a life of significance. At some point, you have to get off the sidelines and go all in on the life of your dreams. What you require will determine the realm you live in. More importantly, what you require will define whether or not you realize your greatest potential. The decision to require more of yourself brings another depth of accountability and responsibility to your life.
  4. You have to be determined in the pursuit of your greatest life. As I am going after audacious goals this year, I will admit that I had a moment where fear tried to speak loudly and stop me in my tracks. However, I know that if we are never pushed beyond our limits we will never truly know what is possible for our lives. Yes, you are going to feel uncomfortable and even question whether or not you are making a mistake. However, I have concluded that determination is in the DNA of every champion. Determination empowers us with the courage to pursue more, press for more, and produce more in our lives. Determination converts barriers into building blocks for growth and advancement. Determination turns pressure points into pathways to progress. Ultimately, determination morphs insurmountable obstacles into incredible opportunities. Determination shapes the life and health of your dreams. Determination is the currency of victory.




Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International. A global management, consulting advisory empowering leaders for success.