4 Keys for Embracing the Next Season of Your Life
First of all, let me start out by saying welcome to the second quarter. It is hard to believe just how quickly the first few months of 2019 have flown by. Hopefully, you can look back over the last three months and be proud of your productivity and progress. If not, then the great thing is you have an opportunity to try again and to proceed with focus. As someone that has empowered leaders around the world for success, I believe that focus is truly the engine that drives all accomplishments and achievements. You can have all kinds of mantras and motivational quotes. However, the reality is that your action or inaction will determine your results. Action is that critical factor that separates the mediocre from the great. These are just a few keys I have learned about how to shift a season in your life.
- You will never embrace a new season without making a decision. If you have followed my work over the years, then you know that I believe that our decisions ultimately determine the direction of our lives. We live in an era where motivation and inspiration are abundant. On the other hand, inspiration and motivation are not enough to achieve your dreams. One day I had to make a decision that I was going to fulfill my purpose and maximize my greatest potential. That decision set me on a course to rigorous growth and development. Decisions are the catalyst to new dimensions in life. In order to make a decision, you first have to have a made up mind. In other words, you have to stop vacillating and get crystal clear about your vision and developing the will to make that vision a reality. The difference in seasons are the decisions that we make.
- In order to embrace a new season, you must extract the lessons from your failures. I know that some of you are probably a little puzzled why I chose to put this step next. However, as someone that has experienced lots of failure, I want to be honest with you about what it takes to push your life to the next level. As an entrepreneur, I experienced a lot of failure in business and my company almost collapsed three times. I found myself under tremendous stress and extreme pressure during that time in my life. Honestly, I do not like to fail and I have not met a human being on this planet that enjoys failure. What I have learned over the years is that failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is simply an opportunity to grow, develop and expand our capacities. One of the greatest tools in my toolbox has been failure. My ability to extract lessons from my failures have fueled my success. Failure is not final. Failure is simply a way of adjusting our focus to embrace the future. Learn the lessons that failure is trying to teach you but never allow your failures to define you.
- Never expect to embrace a new season without growth. Unfortunately, I have seen this play out too many times. People have often come to me asking for wisdom, counsel, mentorship, advisement, etc. They want an opportunity to pick my brain and learn from my journey and experiences. Honestly, a lot of people have come to me thinking that success is some kind of magical formula. When I start to explain that success is both a psychological work and a personal commitment to growth and development this is where a lot of people check out. Why is that? Most people want success without a price. The reality is that they want something for nothing. It is a violation of universal laws and spiritual principles to expect your life to expand without any expense. It has cost me everything to produce a life of excellence. It always intrigues me when a person expects to improve their life without being willing to make uncommon investments. It is illegal to demand greatness while denying the process of growth. When you refuse to grow you stagnate your life and you dishonor the seed of greatness within you.
- You must be willing to embrace next level relationships. This is another major barrier that stands between most people and the breakthroughs that they so desperately seek. When I made a decision to embrace my assignment, the first thing I had to do was change my associations. Your associations determine your ascension. In other words, you cannot hang around with ducks and geese and expect to soar like an eagle. Your relationship constellation will have to change in order to embrace the next chapter of your life. It does not mean that something is wrong with the people in your life. It simply means that your prophetic destiny will require new partnerships. You need purpose partners in your life. These are individuals that challenge your excuses, hold you accountable, possess the right mindset and force you to grow. You do not just need to fill your life with people. You need to fill your life with partners that will empower you to reach your greatest potential. Sometimes your relationships are the greatest enemy to you living at the next realm. Respect yourself enough to stock your life will people that stretch you and empower you to embrace new stratospheres.